Apostolate of The Rosary of Crucifixion

Pray . Reflect . Connect

Apostolate of The Rosary of Crucifixion,
United Kingdom.

“Propagate this and let the world know and Re-Indoctrinate My sufferings in the hearts of my people” (Jesus. 25 April 2011).

“Propagate this and let the world know and Re-Indoctrinate My sufferings in the hearts of my people” (Jesus. 25 April 2011).

My daughter, can you not see that the fire is on? Can’t you see that I am in charge? I have equipped you, go and do the work I have called you to do. Go and tell the people what I have said, go and tell them about My Sufferings.  It is the truth, but they do not want to hear it or they have forgotten, but I tell you today that through the words I will put in your mouth, many will be converted and will turn back to Me. 

Jesus Christ: 19 October 2022

The Rosary of Crucifixion

Our Blessed Lord also invites us to reflect on the importance of the accepting our crosses, to love the cross as Christians. He told Rev Barnabas Nwoye of the Precious Blood Apostolate that “Sufferings not accepted are My Crosses rejected”. So my brothers and sisters in Christ, we should not abandon our crosses, rather to seek the Face of Christ by deeply meditating on His Love on the Cross. It was LOVE that made Christ suffer so much torture on the way to Calvary.
Let us carry out this call to Propagate the Sufferings of Our Saviour and Redeemer, Christ Jesus through the Rosary of Crucifixion; and to console and adore our Agonizing Jesus who is constantly bleeding for love of us.

The Rosary of Crucifixion

In this beautiful and powerful Rosary of Crucifixion, Our Blessed Lord wants us to hide ourselves in His Holy Wounds, by physically walking the Calvary way with Him. Our Lord requests us to reflect deeply by taking each step with Him along the way of the Cross. To reflect on His Sacrificial Love, His humility as God made Man. Christ descended on earth for the sole purpose of saving us and redeeming us. The Stations of the Cross is not a new devotion to the Church. Many Saints, Priests, religious and laymen and women have written books and reflections on the Stations of the Cross. .

Come join us

"The Rosary of Crucifixion, therefore, helps us to journey daily with Christ, meditating on His love for the world as manifested on the Holy Cross."

My child, My Son sent you to propagate His sufferings and to re-indoctrinate people who are going astray and bring them back. Do not think that this is an easy job, anyone connected to My Son Jesus that finds things easy, should look back. The propagation of My Son’s sufferings also calls for your own suffering, offer all to My Son and anyone associated with this should also call him/herself blessed. I, your Mother Mary attends each Stations of the Cross, I aid you with your reflections, ensure you keep those reflections safe, because in due course the Church will use them, and many people will look for it. I am the Mother of the Agonizing Jesus Christ. - 22 \october 2022

Our 1st Anniversary

Book Launch

Want to make a difference?

Are you willing to carry out this call and mission from heaven, as revealed to Rev Sr. Mary Ursula Osinakachi Igbokwe of the congregation of Daughters of Mary Mother of Mercy (DMMM) of our time?

Our Branches

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Kingsley Nwaohiri
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Eucharia Okereke
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Emmanuel Anaele
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Augustina Nlekerem
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Roseline Amaechi
Port Harcourt
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Pius Boateng